A history of accelerating the future of energy, together
From its founding and to today, AES has led lasting positive change in the energy sector based on its stakeholders’ most critical needs.
- 1991: AES arrives in Puerto Rico at the invitation of the government to deliver safe, reliable and affordable energy
- 1993: AES Puerto Rico begins construction in Guayama

- 2002: 500 MW thermal plant inaugurated and started generating energy to the Puerto Rico Energy and Power Authority (PREPA) as part of a 25-year contract

- 2012: Leading the transition to renewables, AES Puerto Rico built the first grid scale solar facility on the island – AES Ilumina. At the time it was the largest in the Caribbean. This 20 MW solar plant is located in the municipality of Guayama and meets the demand of around 6,500 homes.
- 2019: Clean Flexible Energy, LLC, an affiliated entity of AES Corp., was created with the objective of accelerating the transition to renewable energy and is focused on the design, construction and operation of said projects on the island.
- 2020: Installed a 20 MW black start generator that will allow us to be more resilient and prepared all kinds of emergencies.